Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Greetings from Lemon County

Ok, so I’m back.  It’s been a long time and I apologize.  Life has been sending me lemons faster than I can make lemonade so I’ve been too mentally drained to write.  Bad idea. I realize that sitting and looking at the lemons is more stressful than just squeezing the crap out of them, so I’m now juicing.

Lemon #1 – This school year has been hard.  Between the new administration and the changes that come with that, dealing with the ramifications for our school “grade” going down, and implementing state and county changes to align with the “performance based-pay,” this was a rough school year.  The kids were the least of my problems; it was the adults making things hard.

Lemon #2 – We are now close to $120,000 upside down on a house we can’t afford to keep up, in a neighborhood we no longer want to live in.  I thought we would squeeze that lemon by doing a short sale on our home but thanks to the mortgage company, this lemon has been fermenting since March, waiting for an answer, leaving our life in homeowners’ purgatory.

Lemons #3-5 – I turned 40 last month and my husband and my 2 children forgot my birthday.  I have forgiven them all, except I still haven’t gotten the Schwinn Cruiser I wanted. Could I get it myself? Sure.  But the whiney, foot-stomping, entitled, only-child princess in me wants him to get it.  The princess needs Prince Charming to prove his undying love via a pink and orange cruiser from Target! Now, I’ll admit that this wasn’t really a lemon, more of a Lemonhead, but, dang it, I already admitted I have a little spoiled princess in me so I won’t apologize for it anymore.

There are some positives though.  After a lot of soul searching and self-talk, I have decided to move on to another school.  It was a hard decision for me.  It takes a lot to work in a school where children are more concerned with day-to-day survival and for some education may not make the Top 10 List in priorities. Though they often drove me crazy, they also made me laugh, taught me some things and allowed me to teach them some.  I will miss them.  I will be taking my sunny disposition to another school, one I think will be a better fit for my daughter who will be going to middle school in two years.  What kind of mother/teacher would I be if I did not take advantage of the opportunity to scar my child for life by working in the same school where she will be hit hardest by puberty?  It is my obligation as a mother/teacher to give her the stories that she will one day pass on to her therapist, and I will not fail her!
As we enter our 2nd week of summer break, I have vowed to myself to do some things:
1.  Learn to make an Asian dish – DONE (I learned to make Vietnamese summer rolls!
2. Get back to my blog – DONE (See, you’re reading it!)
3. Buy an iPad – Mentally done (hopefully will be physically done in the morning) (Happy Birthday to ME!!!)
4. De-Clutter my life – Moving is helping, but it would go faster if my “friends” would join me for a packing party (Bueller? Bueller?)
5. Go to Boston – On hold until I can figure out when and where I will be moving (I <3 mortgage companies!)
6. Read 3 books – This would get done faster if I would stay out of Castleville

As I close out today’s entry, I will leave with this:
Don’t ingest bath salts. Cannibalism just isn’t cute.

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