Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Greetings from Getting Back to My Groove?

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here. A parent recently told me, during a school trip to Costa Rica, that she found my blog and enjoyed it. I decided I would start writing again. Since we've returned however, I tore some muscles in my shoulder and bicep and so I haven't been able to do much. To kick off my reintroduction to blogging, I decided to start with a reposting of a FB post, celebrating moms. And since I am also a teacher, this is still very fitting. Ignore the dates, remember, this is a repost.

"Hear Ye! Hear Ye! (In my best non-existent British accent)
I henceforth declare from this day forward, we will refer to summer vacation as the “Summer of Mom” (SOM). Let it be known that no longer will I make weekly, expensive trips to the grocery store and return home to have the food devoured by the fearsome “ItWasntMe” monster. No more will every Popsicle fall victim to premature death while the fruits and veggies grow blue fur from old age and neglect. No more will I take young people to the movies while cotton mounds grow from each corner of the bedroom floor. I vow the villains from Planet IDontKnowHowThatHappened will never more put holes in newly untagged shirts. I promise that flip flops who have lost their homes, will go flying through the air into the abyss of bedrooms far smaller than mine. My electric bill will decrease while the turned pages increase.  The clarinet will again play joyous sound as it knows I am paying for it every month (plus insurance). There will be no more sleepovers, carpools, and tagalongs while the dishes are crushed by their own mounds. No more will I intervene in trifle arguments between the “Turd” and the “Troll.” The twin T’s will have to hash it out between themselves while I relish in my “Mommy Smut” (Hellooooo, Mr. Grey). While they wear holes in the tile stomping and pouting, I will admire my freshly pedicured toes. I will meet every grunt and groan with a creamy, dark chocolate reward. I proclaim July 6th through August 16th to be the Summer of Mom. Unite and join in my cause, Mothers! Let’s take back our summer! Rejoice in the summer sunshine that should belong to US!

Feel free to repost and tag a mom who will fight for our cause!"

Now, off I go to purchase a tiled backsplash for the orthodontist (AKA let's go get braces for the little one.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Falisha!I didn't know you were a fellow blogger. Nice post! 😊
