Saturday, July 14, 2012

Greetings from Laughingatmyself-ton

Update from my last post:

As we enter the hump summer break, this is where I am on my summer to do list:
1.  Learn to make an Asian dish – DONE (I learned to make Vietnamese summer rolls!
2. Get back to my blog – DONE (See, you’re reading it! Again! Again!)
3. Buy an iPad – DONE and hubby jealous (bonus points!!!)
4. De-Clutter my life – My bathroom, fridge, freezer, dressers, night stands, laundry room, medicine cabinets, dining room created even more bags of carbon footprint and I’m still waiting for a packing party (Bueller? Bueller?)
5. Go to Boston – Not gonna happen any time soon. I have four weeks left until I return to work and have NO idea when/where I'm moving (I <3 mortgage companies!)
6. Read 3 books – DONE Purchased “50 Shades of Grey” for my new iPad. I was going to read something else but then purchased and read the whole 50 Shades series, read "Glimpse" (#1) and am now reading "A Family Affair."
7. Added: Lose weight - I'm down 5 pounds!  I've been power walking, Just Dance 3-ing, Wii Zumba-ing and watching what I eat a little more. More to go but stepping in the right direction!

Writing is definitely a part of who I am but sometimes I burn the candle way too much in other areas of my life and I never get to finish things that are personal to me. Evidence? Today I was cleaning out my night stand and came across a journal I started a few years ago. I was so excited to open up and reflect on my feelings/emotions/thoughts of the past and was saddened to only see one short poem.  I remember writing it but as I reflected on it, had no idea what my feelings/emotions/thoughts were at the time I wrote it.  I had to laugh at how dramatic I was that night (I always write at night); must've been mad at hubby (shocker!). Well, I might as well share my masterpiece here since I obviously won't be filling my journal.  Here it is:

When... by F. Olowu

I talk to you
I become the listener

I smell you
I become filled

I taste you
I become hungry

I see you
I become lustful

I dream you
I become enlightened

I touch you
I become naked

I make love to you
I become at one with you

I love you
I become lonely

Hahahaha!!!!!! That is the most Twilight-brooding-teenager crap I've ever written but I like it anyway.  Again, I don't know what was going through my mind when I wrote it but it's a good thing I don't drink and have a good sense of humor about myself.  That could have gone a completely different way.   

Final thought - Between the new Staples policy on teacher purchases and the Viacom/Directv "talks," I don't know who is the worst of the Evils!

*follow me on twitter @mardeea1